Registered NDIS Provider

Service Agreement Management

Pathways to Better Living Pty Ltd – Service Agreement

Management Policy


All participants require an individually completed service agreement with reference to a person’s NDIS plan.

Service agreements help ensure participants have an agreed set of expectations of what supports will be delivered and how they will be delivered. A service agreement sets out the responsibilities and obligations for both parties and how to solve any problems should they arise.

A service agreement should include:

  • A description of the supports that will be provided
  • The cost of those supports
  • How, when and where the participant requires the supports to be delivered
  • How long the participant requires the supports to be provided
  • When and how the service agreement will be reviewed
  • How we will deal with any problems or questions that may arise and how we will include the participant in this process
  • What the participant’s responsibilities are under the service agreement – for example, how much notice the participant must give if they cannot attend an appointment
  • What our responsibilities are under the service agreement – for example, to work with the participant to provide supports that suit their needs
  • What notice is required if we or the participant need to change or end the service agreement and how this is done – for example, by email or mail
  • Applies to supports and services provided to all participants
  • Applies to all representatives including key management personnel, directors, full time workers, part time workers, casual workers, contractors and volunteers

New service agreements

Create a service agreement with a participant by arranging a meeting with the participant and any other nominated person (such as a family member or friend) to:

  • Establish their expectations
  • Explain the supports to be delivered
  • Explain any conditions attached to the provision of those supports and why those conditions are attached

It’s important that each participant is supported to understand their service agreement and conditions using the language, mode of communication and terms that the participant is most likely to understand

If the service agreement is written, have the participant sign it, provide the participant a copy and file the other copy in the participant’s record. Where this is not practicable, or the participant chooses not to have an agreement, record this and note the circumstances under which the participant did not receive a copy of their agreement.

Specialist disability accommodation

If supported independent living supports are provided to participants in specialist disability accommodation, arrangements must be clearly documented on roles and responsibilities in a service agreement including:

  • How a participant’s concerns about the dwelling will be communicated and addressed
  • How potential conflicts involving participants will be managed
  • How changes to participant circumstances and/or support needs will be agreed and communicated
  • In shared living, how vacancies will be filled, including each participant’s right to have their needs, preferences and situation taken into account
  • How behaviours of concern which may put tenancies at risk will be managed, if this is a relevant issue for the participant

Changing a service agreement

A service agreement that has commenced may only be changed if the changes are agreed in wiring, signed and dated

Withdrawing a service agreement

Our service agreement includes a required notification period in the event that a support or service is withdrawn or terminated. This notification period is not less than 14 days prior to the delivery of a support or service

Ending a service agreement

If we decide to end a commenced service agreement, we will provide a minimum of 1 month notice.

If a participant wishes to end a commenced service agreement, they will need to provide a minimum of 1 month notice

The 1 month notice can be waived if we or the participant seriously breach the service agreement.