Registered NDIS Provider


Bringing choice, control and freedom to your life.

  • Complete the contact form on the website. We will confirm the independent support workers availability and get back to you
  • Or you can speak with your Support Coordinator who will contact us to find out for you
  • We will communicate with the independent support worker to check their availability and get back to you
  • We will ask you a few questions to find out what supports you are looking for and work out the best way that we can provide that for you
  • We will organise a “meet and greet” between you and the independent support worker along with a staff member from PTBL. This will give you the opportunity to see if you will be a good fit together
  • When you find a suitable independent support worker –we will need you to complete the necessary paperwork so we can set up the supports for you
  • We will provide other options for you
  • We suggest to all participants to meet more than one independent support worker so that if your worker is unwell or has a planned holiday you can be confident that there will be someone else there that you have met that can step in and continue supporting you
  • We can refer you onto another service provider that may have the person you are looking for
  • PTBL are always looking for fun and exciting opportunities to participate in within the community
  • Our monthly newsletters will list upcoming group activities and flyers are emailed out well in advance of the date of any planned events.
  • If there is an event or activity that you would like to be involved in you can call us on 1300 702 845 or email us at to register your interest.
  • Please contact us and let us know
  • We can provide other options for you or refer you onto another service providers that may have the person you are looking for
  • Please contact us and let us know
  • Our website has a “Feedback” page where you can report a complaint or a compliment
  • Your complaint will be addressed and may help us improve our services to others
  • We will provide you with updates as we resolve your complaint
  • There are laws that protect your personal information
  • We have policies and procedures in place that ensure the privacy and confidentiality of your personal details
  • Your personal information will not be shared with anyone without your consent

NDIA is the National Disability Insurance Agency, a statutory agency whose role it is to implement the NDIS. The difference is that NDIA is the agency responsible for meeting with individuals to plan their future supports and to identify how much money individuals will need to pay for these. The NDIS is the Scheme that pays for these supports.

NDIS stands for the National Disability Insurance Scheme The NDIS gives all Australians peace of mind if they, their child or loved one is born with or acquires a permanent and significant disability, they will get the support they need. The NDIS is NOT a welfare system. The NDIS is designed to help people get the support they need so their skills and independence improve over time.

Supports that will NOT be funded, under any circumstances, include those that are:

  • Likely to cause harm to the participant or pose a risk to others
  • Unrelated to the participant’s disability
  • Duplicate or other supports provided under alternative funding
  • Part of day-to-day living expenses incurred by the general public and not related to disability support needs (e.g. rent, groceries, household bills)
  • Related in any way to income replacement.