Pathways to Better Living Pty Ltd – Person-centred practice Policy
This policy supports and promotes a person-centred approach in the way we provide our supports and services. When providing person-centred supports, the participant is at the centre of those supports, not the service provider. This means the focus is on what matters most to the participant and their family and/or carer, and how we can support our workers with this.
The key principles that underpin a person-centred practice:
- The participant is at the centre
- The participant’s wider social network is involved as full partners
- There is a partnership between us, the participant, and their family/carer
- The participant’s whole life if considered
The benefit of a person-centred approach is that:
- The wishes of each participant are respected
- Each participant is encouraged to make informed choices
- It provided flexibility to meet the diverse needs of each participant
- It improves personal development of participants by broadening their experiences
- It improves customer experience and overall satisfaction of participants
- Applies to support and services provided to all participants
- Applies to all representatives including key management personnel, directors, full time workers, part time workers, casual workers, contractors and volunteers
Our commitment to a person-centred practice
- Ensure our supports and services are in line with the needs, goals and desires of each participant
- Listen to each participant and those who know them best to understand what they want for their lives
- Support each participant to develop individual outcomes so that we know what success looks like
- Support each participant to identify and prioritise obstacles in the way of achieving their outcomes
- Support each participant to set steps or goals to address challenges to achieving their outcomes
- Ensure our workers are trained, supported and motivated to follow the principles of this policy