Pathways to Better Living Pty Ltd – Manage risks to participants
We support participants to exercise choice and control. This includes the choice to take reasonable risks in the pursuit of goals and in the planning and delivery of their supports. While we support participants to exercise choice, we have a duty of care to protect participants from harm or loss.
Where relevant, we will work with other providers and services to identify and manage risks to participants, ensure safe environments, and prevent and manage injuries.
Identify risks to participants
Identify, document and review risks for a participant using a participant risk assessment template. A completed and regularly reviewed participant risk assessment is a key component in helping to manage risks that individuals may face and should be reviewed regularly – ideally every three months.
Manage identified risks documented in the participant risk assessment using a participant risk management plan (which should refer to a participant’s lifestyle management plan). When reviewing participant risk assessment documents, any changes require review of the participant’s risk management plan.
When completing the participant’s risk assessment, note the following:
- Risks will differ between participants – add all that are relevant to an individual
- Consider and document any risks related to actions arising from the participant’s lifestyle plan
- Consider whether existing risk treatment strategies or any changes to the participant risk management plan enable the participant to achieve lifestyle goals and preferences
Manage risks to participants
A participant risk management plan describes actions required to manage risks identified in a participant risk assessment. The participant risk management plan is reviewed regularly – ideally every three months or at least annually, or whenever changes are made to the participant risk assessment. When reviewing a participant risk management plan, keep in mind the following:
- The participant and workers who work with the participant must be consulted; others should also be consulted, as appropriate
- Consider whether existing risk treatment strategies or any changes to the participant risk management plan enable the participant to achieve lifestyle goals and preferences