Registered NDIS Provider

Exit Participant

Pathways to Better Living Pty Ltd – Exit Participant

The exit process sets out the steps for a participant to stop using our services. This can be for a number of reasons such as when a participant moves away, a participant’s needs change and the service is not able to meet these needs, or in the event of a participant’s death.

For participants exiting the service, developing an exit plan helps ensure a smooth exit process for all involved. The exit process is centred on what is best for the participant at all times. With the participant’s consent, the participant’s carer, family and other service providers should also be involved in the exit process and developing the exit plan.

Reason for exit

A participant has a need to exit the service.

A participant may choose to exit the service:

  • If they wish to change service providers
  • When their needs change
  • Or they move out of the service area

A participant may have been asked to exit the service:

  • When the service has a lack of resources/funding
  • If the participant’s needs have changed (above what the service can provide)
  • If the participant is unwilling to meet reasonable conditions
  • Or if the participant’s continued non-payment of fees

The death of a participant also triggers the exit process.

If the participant was asked to exit

Where a participant has been asked to exit services:

  • Provide reasons for the exit decision
  • Work with the participant and their carer/family/guardian to find a suitable replacement service
  • Remind the participant of their right to make a complaint if they wish

Document the reasons for the decision and file this in the participant’s record

Develop an exit plan

Depending on the services provided and the participant’s needs, an exit plan may include:

  • Details of follow up arrangements
  • Other people involved and their roles
  • Community resources likely to be involved post exit
  • Other details identified by the participant and carers
  • Information on how to re-enter the service
  • The main point of contact regarding the most recent supports provided
  • Any shared support arrangements with other services, if applicable
  • Information for the participant’s preferred health professionals e.g. general practitioner, speech pathologist, clinical psychologist, or physiotherapist

Exit Interview

Participants leaving the service should be offered an exit survey and/or interview. The feedback received should be used to improve services (refer to Continuous Improvement process)

Implement transition plan

Medical services, pharmacy, Centrelink, day placement, and any other relevant services should be advised that the participant is now being supported by a new provider.

Death of participant

The participant receiving supports or services has passed away.

Was the participant living in accommodation supported by the organisation?

Death of participant being supported

In the event of the death of a participant receiving supports and services not related to supported accommodation, only closing off accounts is generally required.

If the death of a participant occurred while being supported, this is a reportable incident (follow the Manage incident process) and report the death to the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission.

Death of participant in supported accommodation

In the event of the death of a participant while being supported i.e. participant was living in supported accommodation, the following is generally required:

  • Contact the police to advise of the death of a person in care
  • Contact the participant’s parents/family/guardian
  • Advise fellow household members (if shared accommodation)
  • Advise the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (reportable incident)
  • Advise the state or territory ombudsman or equivalent
  • Organise or assist with funeral arrangements (unless the family arranges this)
  • Finalise participant’s accounts, wills etc