Registered NDIS Provider

Entry to & Exit from Service

Pathways to Better Living Pty Ltd – Entry and Exit Policy


This policy aims to remove barriers that participants may face trying to access our services and provides guidance on handling participant entries and exits from our services. This policy helps:

  • Promote consistent practices
  • Allow for the diverse and individual needs of participants
  • Consider the safety and well-being of participants
  • Consider the health and safety of our workers

Our services are available to people with disability who are eligible for the NDIS. When a participant requests access to our services, this starts then entry process. During entry, participants are formally assessed. This can vary between participants but generally this is where we consider participant needs, abilities, goals, risks, any previous or current supports, and their level of funding. This process must be done in a manner which is fair, consistent and transparent. Following the assessment, a decision is made on whether to provide the participant access to supports.

When participants leave our services, this is referred to as exiting and can happen for a number of reasons such as:

  • If they relocate to an area outside our area of service delivery
  • When our support schedule and service is no longer able to meet the participant’s needs or assist in achieving chosen goals
  • If they transfer to another service provider
  • If there is a lack of available resources or funding
  • In the event of the death of a participant using our services
  • If the participant is unwilling to meet the reasonable conditions required in their support plan affecting the safe delivery of services and health and safety of the staff
  • If there are changes in the participant’s condition resulting in support needs above what we can deliver
  • If the participant and/or family member/carer engages in behaviour which is unacceptable towards us, such as violence, abuse, aggression, theft or property damage
  • If there is continued non-payment of service delivery fees incurred from supports and services provided
  • Applies when participants enquire about our services, enter into a Service Agreement, or exit from our services
  • Applies to all employees including key management personnel, full time workers, part time workers, casual workers, contractors and volunteers

Our commitment to ensure service accessibility

As part of our commitment to ensure service accessibility, we will:

  • ensure non-discriminatory access for all participants enquiring or requesting access to our services
  • maximum accessibility to our services for all NDIS participants who need our services
  • proactively communicate information about our supports and services as part of broader community engagement activities
  • identify and reduce barriers and provide equal access for all NDIS participants who need our services
  • regularly review the accessibility of our services and take action to improve access whenever possible
  • ensure advertised contact phone number is accessible during business hours and has active voicemail
  • ensure advertised contact email account is working and checked at least daily
  • ensure all enquiries by participants are responded to in a timely manner
  • provide accurate information about gaining access to and exiting from our services to assist participant decision making
  • make all reasonable adjustments to accommodate participant cultural/language needs and those of family, significant others, advocates
  • monitor the diversity of the people accessing our services to ensure we reach the whole community particularly those groups known to experience additional barriers i.e. because of gender, culture or ethnicity
  • provide participants with all options we are aware of in the community that could benefit them and expand their choices in any aspect of their life.

Entry to service

Entry and access to our services is provided on the basis of relative need and availability of resources.

Each participant requesting access to services is informally assessed before they commence services.

Each participant requesting access should be provided a timely response regarding their request.

A formal assessment may be necessary when more information is required to assist in deciding a participant’s request to access services.

Written notification must clearly communicate one of the following:

  • acceptance of a request for access to our services
  • refusal of a request to access of services based on the applicant not being a priority
  • refusal of a request for access of services based on the applicant not being eligible for the NDIS
  • request for additional information (such as when a formal assessment is required).

Exit from services

  • Participants have the right to leave our services at any time they choose
  • Participants are supported to investigate more appropriate services if they are likely to enable positive outcomes
  • Participants are required to provide four weeks’ notice of their intention to exit our services
  • Our exit process is fair and transparent and upholds the rights of participants
  • If a participant is leaving due to dissatisfaction with the service, they are encouraged and supported to raise a complaint about their dissatisfaction
  • We will understand, accept and learn from a participant or family’s decision to exit our service
  • We will support participants with an exit plan after we become aware of a participant who will exit our services
  • Participants are offered the opportunity of an exit interview
  • Participants are provided information on how they can re-enter our services

Transition Plans

When participants transition to or from our service we will:

  • have organisation-specific processes in place for transitioning to and from our services
  • communicate the transition processes to workers and participants
  • review our transition processes
  • consult with the participant, family/carer/supporter and key workers to develop a transition plan taking into account the participant’s needs and preferences including cultural needs, values and beliefs
  • develop a risk management plan to manage any identified risks during transitions, including temporary transitions (e.g. healthcare risks requiring hospitalisation)
  • ensure all workers involved in the transition are aware of the transition plan and identified risks that need to be managed
  • ensure each participant understands our transition processes
  • review the transition plan regularly during the transition to ensure that are no unplanned circumstances or unmanaged risks
  • following the transition, follow up with the participant and their family/carer/supporter for feedback.

Exit from services without consent

  • We may implement an exit process for a participant without their consent under the following circumstances:
    • A participant’s inability or unwillingness over a period of time to work towards agreed goals
    • Other participants, workers or the participant themselves are at risk of harm
    • Financial requirements are not being met
    • If there are changes in the participant’s condition resulting in support needs above what we can deliver

Withdrawal of services

  • We will properly assess matters that lead to withdrawal of services and provide affected participants reasons for the withdrawal of services e.g. shortage of resources
  • We will not withdraw services for a participant based solely on a dignity of risk choice made by the participant
  • If we withdraw services for a participant, we will support the participant to find services from another provider